Want to learn a new language? COME ON

Teacher Sweet

:: عضو بارز ::
أحباب اللمة
17 سبتمبر 2013
نقاط التفاعل
Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings

Who among us does not like to learn new languages ​​such as English, French, Spanish, German etc

Whether learning for work or learning or tourism, or for any other purpose

But the problem that is faced by many people is the difficulty of getting the rules and basics to learn the language

What I want to explain in this subject is what are the first and important steps to learn any language easily and quickly
and why not master it

I hope that I find the reaction of everyone to raise the level of languages


رد: Want to learn a new language? COME ON

Hi everybody, I wish you're fine

Today we start with the first lesson


Listen to English every day
Listen to English radio.
Go to English movies (try not to look at the translation.

Watch English TV.

I'll explain in arabic

اهم شيء هو الاستماع للغة التي تود تعلمها سواء كانت الانجليزية او غيرها
سناخذ مثالا عن الانجليزية
- استمع للانجليزية كل يوم (نعم كل يوم)
- استمع الى راديو ناطق بالانجليزية
- شاهد افلام بالانجليزية ولا تنظر الى الترجمة
- شاهد قنوات انجليزية

Listen to English, even if you don't understand because with time you will get used it, leave the job to your subconscious mind

عند استماع للانجليزية، لاتخف لانك لا تفهم ما يُقال
هذا الامر سيجعلك تتعود على اللغة الاجنبية
الامر المهم هو عقلك الباطن الذي يلتقط اللغة الجديدة برغم انك لا تفهمها
إذا دع المهمة لعقلك الباطن

This is it for today, wait me with other lessons
Take care of yourselves

رد: Want to learn a new language? COME ON

Hello everybody
well to be a native listener and speaker in English
you must practise ,don't be ashamed
in addition you have to listen to British songs
as Beatle band ;)
آخر تعديل:
رد: Want to learn a new language? COME ON

Thank you sister for your intervention
yes you're right but before practice

we need what we call: in put and out put
I'll explain them in the next days

keep in touch

رد: Want to learn a new language? COME ON

Hi again

Last time we've seen listening to english
Today, w'll see another thing
which is READING

Read English

Start with children's storybooks

Read advertisements, signs and labels

Read short stories

Try to keep english all around you
for instance change your phone language into english

Take an english-english dictionary to learn new words


رد: Want to learn a new language? COME ON

Listening) in through your ears)
Reading ) in through your eyes)

Speaking) out through your mouth)
Writing) out through your hand)

[FONT=&quot]It's simple. Think of it this way. First you have input. Next you have output. First you listen to someone ask you a question. Second you speak and give them your answer. First you read a letter from someone. After that you write back to them. These are examples of communicating[FONT=&quot]

[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Input and output don't necessarily go in a specific order. Sometimes you speak first and then you listen. Sometimes you write about something you hear. During communication, the person you are communicating with uses one of the opposite skills. Therefore, in order to understand each other, everyone must be skillful in all four areas

[FONT=&quot]Some students want to know which skill is the most important. Since all of the skills rely on each other, they are all important. However, to communicate we do use some skills more often than others. For example, about 40% of the time that we spend communicating we are simply listening. We speak for about 35% of the time. Approximately 16% of communication comes from reading, and about 9% from writing. These statistics are for an average communicator in English. Depending on someone's job or situation, these numbers may vary[/FONT]

رد: Want to learn a new language? COME ON

salam alikom
Thank you very much on the subject
True difficult thing to learn another language
But to help you succeed
رد: Want to learn a new language? COME ON

Input _ Output
ill use it for learning french
رد: Want to learn a new language? COME ON

Thank you very much for your hard working
English is the best language ever
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