مساعدة في تلخيص نص إنجليزي

مغلق ولا يسمح بالمزيد من الردود.

abdellah gourari

:: عضو مُتميز ::
2 نوفمبر 2012
نقاط التفاعل
السلام عليكم هل من الممكن لكم أن تلخص لي هذا النص أحتاجه غدا
A CERTAIN man, who had lost almost all his money, resolved to set off  with the little that was left him, and travel into the wide world.

   Then the first place he came to was a village, where the young people were running about crying and shouting.

   ‘What is the matter?’

   asked he.

   ‘See here,’ answered they, ‘we have got a mouse that we make dance to please us.

   Do look at him:
   what a droll sight it is !

   how he jumps about!’

   But the man pitied the poor little thing, and said, ‘Let the mouse go, and I will give you money.’

   So he gave them some, and took the mouse and let him run;
   and he soon jumped into a hole that was close by, and was out of their reach.

Then he travelled on and came to another village, and there the  children had got an ass that they made stand on its hind legs and  tumble, at which they laughed and shouted, and gave the poor beast no  rest.

   So the good man gave them also some money to let the poor ass alone.

At the next village he came to, the young people had got a bear  that had been taught to dance, and they were plaguing the poor thing  sadly.

   Then he gave them too some money to let the beast go, and the bear  was very glad to get on his four feet, and seemed quite happy.

But the man had now given away all the money he had in the world, and had not a shilling in his pocket.

   Then said he to himself, ‘The king has heaps of gold in his treasury that he never uses;
   I cannot die of hunger, I hope I shall be forgiven if I borrow a little, and when I get rich again I will repay it all.’

Then he managed to get into the treasury, and took a very little money;
   but as became out the king’s guards saw him;
   so they said he was a thief, and took him to the Judge, and he was sentenced to be thrown into the water in a box.

   The lid of the box was full of holes to let in air, and a jug of water and a loaf of bread were given him.

Whilst he was swimming along in the water very sorrowfully, he heard something nibbling and biting at the lock;
   and  all of a sudden it fell off, the lid flew open, and there stood his old  friend the little mouse, who had done him this service.

   And then came the ass and the bear, and pulled the box ashore;
   and all helped him because he had been kind to them.

But now they did not know what to do next, and began to consult together;
   when on a sudden a wave threw on the shore a beautiful white stone that looked like an egg.

   Then the bear said, ‘That’s a lucky thing:
   this is the wonderful stone, and whoever has it may have every thing else that he wishes.’

   So the man went and picked up the stone, and wished for a palace and a garden, and a stud of horses;
   and his wish was fulfilled as soon as he had made it.

   And there he lived in his castle and garden, with fine stables and horses;
   and all was so grand and beautiful, that he never could wonder and gaze at it enough.
و شكرا
رد: مساعدة في تلخيص نص إنجليزي

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