english is an international language


:: عضو مُشارك ::
6 أوت 2010
نقاط التفاعل
the only question asked among every one in Algeria ..why do you want to learn English ... several answers given ..it s the language of technology...the language of science and discoveries and inventions......and anyone has his own reason...according to me while and as i teach in a private school in El oued NEw Headway programme intended for 8 levels from beginners to advanced i found the majority of my students in secondary schools and the rest were workers in Oil Campanies in Hassi Messaoud their campanies obliged them to learn English in order to communicate with foreigners so is it true to sayبعدما شاب ادوه للكتاب اي المدارس
شكرا أخي على الموضوع
ينقل إلى ركن اللغة الإنجليزية
يرجى الإنتباه في وضع المواضيع في ركنها الصحيح
Good morning ,Sir

Excuse me but I don't agree with the last statement you've written.You know that learning has no age.So,if work requires them to learn English then there is no harm in that,it's the opposite it provides them with a new language and new ideas as well.

Learning a language is the best thing to do in life whatever the language is.



Iam a student in University of mentouri / Constantine/
2 nd year ان شاء الله

so i answer you sir why iam want to learn English
First coz i fond of it
Second i want to be a good and succesful teacher in future
and third point which is so important it's the first lg in the word it mean i need it much in my life
Then i still learn it until i die

وهذا الأخير جوابا على المثل الذي كتبته بعد ماشاب أداوه للكتابيعني العلم للناس كامل وليس كحرا على فئة الشباب
اطلب العلم من المهد الى اللحد

One is never too old to learn
thanks for your comments Miss tell my best saluts and regards to Constantine بالمناسبة اختي الكريمة قسنطينة هي التي علمتني قواعد اللغة الأنجلزية الحقة.لقد تكونت بمعهد علاوة بن بعطوش سطح المنصورة سنة 1989 ولا يفوتني ان ازف حزيل الشكر إلى جميع اساتذتي المخلصين الذين كونوني مثل Miss Abdelli and Mr Benguana اتمنى انهم مازالوا على قيد الحياة
miss ABDELLI is still alive she was also my best teacher
i hope so and i hope Mr benguana Fouad too any way saha ramdanek
Yes Miss Abdali is teaching but I wasn't her student.There are others like mr Jamaa and Miss jamaa.Mr Hamada.......etc
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