write your condition today

رد: write your condition today

Indeed sweet heart

all thnx to tht one ( i mean the one who gave u the advice xD )

:$ be always like tht ,, i wish u all the joy n happiness
Ohh bb <3
Yeah thanks to u too for bein' with me, Thanks a lot.. <33
God bless u bestie :*
رد: write your condition today

رد: write your condition today

I feel sleepy, Gud night or mornin' ya all <3​
رد: write your condition today

Sad sad
رد: write your condition today

Still waiting for nothing -_-
رد: write your condition today

.....good but miss her ,,,waiting
رد: write your condition today

Life is bed ans hard
لإعلاناتكم وإشهاراتكم عبر صفحات منتدى اللمة الجزائرية، ولمزيد من التفاصيل ... تواصلوا معنا