You've changed my life

مغلق ولا يسمح بالمزيد من الردود.


:: عضو مُشارك ::
12 سبتمبر 2006
نقاط التفاعل
You've changed my life in so many ways If only I could show A life and love now filled with hope, grows stronger day by day The future is so bright now, with your love to light my way.
You've changed my life in so many ways With the little things
you've done I ask you now to take my hand, as our walk has just begun.........

You YOU!!!!

Like a star you came into my life You filled my heart with joy You took my pain as if it was yours You provided me with love that no one could give me You gave me a shoulder to cry on You were my pillar when I was falling
You were my strength when I was weak With your smile you made my living on earth worthwhile With the soft words you whispered in my ear Made me realize that I was in Love indeed Without
you next to me my life is meaningless Every day I sit and pray that you will remain as sweet as you are And that is why I will always Love you as long as you let me
مشكور اخي والله كلمات رائعة جدا اثرت في وانشاء اللع ما تتغير حياتك ابدا وتتغير الا للاحسن
i love my life
مغلق ولا يسمح بالمزيد من الردود.
لإعلاناتكم وإشهاراتكم عبر صفحات منتدى اللمة الجزائرية، ولمزيد من التفاصيل ... تواصلوا معنا