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:: عضو مُتميز ::
18 جويلية 2008
نقاط التفاعل
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
طلب هو بحث حول الحائزين لجائزة النوبل للسلام The Nobel Peace Prize
ويكون البحث بالانكليزية
لكم الحرية في عدم التقيد بالعناصر
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العناصر المطلوبة ساشرحها بالعربية لتسهيل المهمة :
1*تعريف مبسط وقصير عن ياسر عرفات على اعتبار انه اخذ جائزة نوبل للسلام سنة 1994 او عن منجز آخر للجائزة
2*نبذه عن حياته * short biographies about 2/3 winners
3* انجازاته * their archivement
4* قائمة اللذين نالوا الجائزة في العشر سنوات الاخيرة * a list of winners for the past 10 years
5* الشخص المتوقع لنيل الجائزة سنة 2009 *
6* 2/3 biographies + archivemenet of the of chosen condidates
7* justify your choice (nominees)
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Yasser Arafat

The Nobel Peace Prize 1994


Mohammed Abdel-Raouf Arafat As Qudwa

al-Hussaeini was born on 24 August 1929 in Cairo**, his father a textile merchant who was a Palestinian with some Egyptian ancestry, his mother from an old Palestinian family in Jerusalem. She died when Yasir, as he was called, was five years old, and he was sent to live with his maternal uncle in Jerusalem, the capital of the British Mandate of Palestine. He has revealed little about his childhood, but one of his earliest memories is of British soldiers breaking into his uncle's house after midnight, beating members of the family and smashing furniture.
After four years in Jerusalem, his father brought him back to Cairo, where an older sister took care of him and his siblings. Arafat never mentions his father, who was not close to his children. Arafat did not attend his father's funeral in 1952.
In Cairo, before he was seventeen Arafat was smuggling arms to Palestine to be used against the British and the Jews. At nineteen, during the war between the Jews and the Arab states, Arafat left his studies at the University of Faud I (later Cairo University) to fight against the Jews in the Gaza area. The defeat of the Arabs and the establishment of the state of Israel left him in such despair that he applied for a visa to study at the University of Texas. Recovering his spirits and retaining his dream of an independent Palestinian homeland, he returned to Faud University to major in engineering but spent most of his time as leader of the Palestinian students.
He did manage to get his degree in 1956, worked briefly in Egypt, then resettled in Kuwait, first being employed in the department of public works, next successfully running his own contracting firm. He spent all his spare time in political activities, to which he contributed most of the profits. In 1958 he and his friends founded Al-Fatah, an underground network of secret cells, which in 1959 began to publish a magazine advocating armed struggle against Israel. At the end of 1964 Arafat left Kuwait to become a full-time revolutionary, organising Fatah raids into Israel from Jordan.
It was also in 1964 that the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) was established, under the sponsorship of the Arab League, bringing together a number of groups all working to free Palestine for the Palestinians. The Arab states favoured a more conciliatory policy than Fatah's, but after their defeat by Israel in the 1967 Six-Day War, Fatah emerged from the underground as the most powerful and best organised of the groups making up the PLO, took over that organisation in 1969 when Arafat became the chairman of the PLO executive committee. The PLO was no longer to be something of a puppet organisation of the Arab states, wanting to keep the Palestinians quiet, but an independent nationalist organisation, based in Jordan.
Arafat developed the PLO into a state within the state of Jordan with its own military forces. King Hussein of Jordan, disturbed by its guerrilla attacks on Israel and other violent methods, eventually expelled the PLO from his country. Arafat sought to build a similar organisation in Lebanon, but this time was driven out by an Israeli military invasion. He kept the organization alive, however, by moving its headquarters to Tunis. He was a survivor himself, escaping death in an airplane crash, surviving any assassination attempts by Israeli intelligence agencies, and recovering from a serious stroke.
His life was one of constant travel, moving from country to country to promote the Palestinian cause, always keeping his movements secret, as he did any details about his private life. Even his marriage to Suha Tawil, a Palestinian half his age, was kept secret for some fifteen months. She had already begun significant humanitarian activities at home, especially for disabled children, but the prominent part she took in the public events in Oslo was a surprise for many Arafat-watchers. Since then, their daughter, Zahwa, named after Arafat's mother, has been born.
The period after the expulsion from Lebanon was a low time for Arafat and the PLO. Then the intifada (shaking) protest movement strengthened Arafat by directing world attention to the difficult plight of the Palestinians. In 1988 came a change of policy. In a speech at a special United Nations session held in Geneva, Switzerland, Arafat declared that the PLO renounced terrorism and supported "the right of all parties concerned in the Middle East conflict to live in peace and security, including the state of Palestine, Israel and other neighbours".
The prospects for a peace agreement with Israel now brightened. After a setback when the PLO supported Iraq in the Persian Gulf War of 1991, the peace process began in earnest, leading to the Oslo Accords of 1993.
This agreement included provision for the Palestinian elections which took place in early 1996, and Arafat was elected President of the Palestine Authority. Like other Arab regimes in the area, however, Arafat's governing style tended to be more dictatorial than democratic. When the right-wing government of Benjamin Netanyahu came to power in Israel in 1996, the peace process slowed down considerably. Much depends upon the nature of the new Israeli government, which will result from the elections to be held in 1999.

M [SIZE=-1]ARTTI[/SIZE] A [SIZE=-1]HTISAARI[/SIZE] for his important efforts, on several continents and over more than three decades, to resolve international conflicts​
I [SIZE=-1]NTERGOVERNMENTAL[/SIZE] P [SIZE=-1]ANEL ON[/SIZE] C [SIZE=-1]LIMATE[/SIZE] C [SIZE=-1]HANGE[/SIZE] (IPCC) and A [SIZE=-1]LBERT[/SIZE] A [SIZE=-1]RNOLD ([/SIZE] A [SIZE=-1]L)[/SIZE] G [SIZE=-1]ORE[/SIZE] J [SIZE=-1]R.[/SIZE] for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change.​

The prize goes to:​
M [SIZE=-1]UHAMMAD[/SIZE] Y [SIZE=-1]UNUS[/SIZE] and G [SIZE=-1]RAMEEN[/SIZE] B [SIZE=-1]ANK[/SIZE] for their efforts to create economic and social development from below.​

The prize was awarded jointly to:​
I [SIZE=-1]NTERNATIONAL[/SIZE] A [SIZE=-1]TOMIC[/SIZE] E [SIZE=-1]NERGY[/SIZE] A [SIZE=-1]GENCY[/SIZE] and M [SIZE=-1]OHAMED[/SIZE] E [SIZE=-1]L[/SIZE] B [SIZE=-1]ARADEI[/SIZE] for their efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is used in the safest possible way.​


The prize was awarded to:​
for her contribution to sustainable development, democracy and peace​

The prize was awarded to:​
for her efforts for democracy and human rights​

The prize was awarded to:​
J [SIZE=-1]IMMY[/SIZE] C [SIZE=-1]ARTER[/SIZE] J [SIZE=-1]R.[/SIZE] , former President of the United States of America,​
[SIZE=-1]IMMY[/SIZE] J J C [SIZE=-1]ARTER R.,[/SIZE] ancien Président des États-Unis d'Amérique,
for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development​

The prize was awarded to:​
K [SIZE=-1]OFI[/SIZE] A [SIZE=-1]NNAN[/SIZE] , United Nations Secretary General​

The prize was awarded to:​
K [SIZE=-1]IM[/SIZE] D [SIZE=-1]AE[/SIZE] J [SIZE=-1]UNG[/SIZE] for his work for democracy and human rights in South Korea and in East Asia in general, and for peace and reconciliation with North Korea in particular​


The prize was awarded to:​

The prize was awarded jointly to:​
J [SIZE=-1]OHN[/SIZE] H [SIZE=-1]UME[/SIZE] and D [SIZE=-1]AVID[/SIZE] T [SIZE=-1]RIMBLE[/SIZE] for their efforts to find a peaceful solution to the conflict in Northern Ireland.​

The prize was awarded jointly to:​
short biographies about 2/3 winners
Martti Oiva Kalevi Ahtisaari born 23 June 1937 is a former President of Finland (1994–2000), 2008 Nobel Peace Prize winner and United Nations diplomat and mediator, noted for his international peace work.
Ahtisaari was a UN Special Envoy at the Kosovo status process negotiations, aimed at resolving a long-running dispute in Kosovo, which declared its independence from Serbia in 2008. In October 2008 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize "for his important efforts, on several continents and over more than three decades, to resolve international conflicts"
Dr.Mohamed Mostafa El-Baradei born June 17, 1942, in Cairo, Egypt) is the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agencymmad (IAEA), an inter-governmental organization under the auspices of the United Nations. ElBaradei and the IAEA were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005


Shirin Ebadi born 21 June 1947 is an Iranian lawyer, human rights activist and founder of Children's Rights Support Association in Iran. On October 10, 2003, Ebadi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her significant and pioneering efforts for democracy and human rights, especially women's, children's, and refugee rights. She is the first Iranian to receive the prize.
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Nobel prize Winners
• Biology - Presented jointly to Anders Barheim and Hogne Sandvik of the University of Bergen, Norway, for their report, "Effect of Ale, Garlic, and Soured Cream on the Appetite of Leeches.".
• Entomology - Presented to Mark Hostetler of the University of Florida, for his book, That Gunk on Your Car, which identifies the insect splats that appear on
• Safety Engineering - Presented to Troy Hurtubise, of North Bay, Ontario, for developing and personally testing a suit of armor that is impervious to grizzly bears.
• "
• Literature - Presented to the British Standards Institution for its six-page specification (BS 6008) of the proper way to make a cup of tea.
• Physics - Presented to André Geim of the University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands, and Sir Michael Berry of Bristol University, England, for using magnets to levitate a frog and a sumo wrestler.

• Medicine - Presented to Peter Barss of McGill University, Canada, for his impactful medical report "Injuries Due to Falling Coconuts."
• Chemistry - Presented to Theodore Gray of Wolfram Research, in Champaign, Illinois, for gathering many elements of the periodic table, and assembling them into the form of a four-legged periodic table table.
2003• Physics - Presented to Jack Harvey, John Culveno, Warren Payne, Steve Cowle, Michael Lawrance, David Stuart, and Robyn Williams of Australia, for their irresistible report "An Analysis of the Forces Required to Drag Sheep over Various Surfaces."
• Psychology - Presented jointly to Daniel Simons of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Christopher Chabris of Harvard University, for demonstrating that when people pay close attention to something, it's all too easy to overlook anything else -- even a woman in a gorilla suit. (see inattentional blindness)
• Nutrition - Presented to Dr. Yoshiro Nakamatsu of Tokyo, Japan, for photographing and retrospectively analyzing every meal he has consumed during a period of 34 years (and counting).
• Acoustics: D. Lynn Halpern of Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates, and Brandeis University, and Northwestern University, Randolph Blake of Vanderbilt University and Northwestern University and James Hillenbrand of Western Michigan University and Northwestern University for conducting experiments to learn why people dislike the sound of fingernails scraping on a blackboard.
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